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Modern Masculinity: Silent Victims of Gender-Specific Laws

Men Are The Silent Victims of Gender-Specific Laws

Modern masculinity in India is undergoing a transformation, yet societal expectations and gender-specific laws continue to confine men to rigid roles. This blog explores how these issues shape modern masculinity, making men silent victims in a system that often ignores their struggles. Despite changes in societal attitudes, men still face legal and social biases in women’s related matter. The…

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Gender bias in law: Equality is about ignoring men’s rights

Suffering of Men - men are forced to suffer in silence

Gender-biased laws often result in unintended consequences, particularly for men in India. The gender bias in law indicates that equality is about ignoring men’s rights. This blog explores how gender bias in law has impacted men’s lives, highlighting why it’s essential for the Indian legal system to consider men’s rights. The laws have been framed in ways that largely…

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