Systematic Discrimination of Male Domestic Abuse in lack of systemic data

Systematic Discrimination of Male in lack of data

More men facing Domestic Abuse by women and the rate is growing day by day. The growth is due to the lack of law for “Protection of Men from Domestic Violence (DV)” and growing DV on male by women leading to more broken families.

Authorities has never bothered to systematic study on violence with male, and also the reporting is almost negligible. Men avoid reporting the violence with them Until the violence do not go beyond their capacity of tolerance, due to the social stigma because men gives more value to their social values attached.

On the other side of individual’s social values, society do not believe violence with male in a marriage or in a family. People laugh who report such abuse, which makes male life more tougher in that situation. Overall situation male men life tougher in an abusive relationship and this decreases the rate of male report of any such violence.

The dynamics of domestic abuse are not common between men and women, the motive, reasons are different. As per cases reported by husbands, it has been observed that men are facing domestic abuse when wife in adulterous relationship, or wife have high expectations and many other reasons.

If I further talk about the dynamics, in a report on “husband’s health and domestic violence”, it says that “economical violence (32.8%) is common, followed by emotional violence (22.2%), physical violence (25.2%), and sexual violence (17.7%)”. Also that “the probability of violence increased significantly with the duration of marriage”.

This has been observed in most of the reported cases of domestic violence on male that, they tolerate the abusive relationship due to “fear of losing social value” and “love toward their children and family”. The other factor associated is that, men are taught “not to cry” from childhood and “to stand with the family under every circumstances”.

If I talk about the legal system for the “Protection of Men from Domestic Violence (DV)”, there is no specific law to protect men from an abusive relationship, rather they have made responsible for the violence. The system sees such complaints as a different form of violence against women while men approach to protect themselves.

It is high time when there is a need to work together against the systemic discrimination of the male in the system and together it can be adapted not only for males but also for the family system.