A shameful incident came to light when a Jhansi’s based Bride returned Groom marriage procession from her door, later married with her lover as per Hindu customs in a temple. How is this right, to dishonouring boy in the name of women’s rights?
In the matter, the bride called the police when the wedding procession of the groom came to her door. Even when police tried to reconcile the matter, the bride cited about her rights and said she is not under-age and will marry per her own accord. Then police surrendered to respect the view of bride.
In the entire episode, you can see that it was the bride who was the decision maker, not the groom. Here family’s honour, boy’s social respect does not matter, then what matters here?
Surprisingly but truth, it is women rights that matters. There are laws against outraging modesty of women but there is no law to protect men from outraging their modesty. Feminist always seen arguing on Patriarchy, and they blame men for every wrong happening in society by ignoring men sacrifices. They also argue that patriarchy treats women as their property.
So if patriarchy is so strong, then why the groom has to return without bride, why the bride family, police, groom respected the bride’s freedom? Before abusing patriarchy and masculinity, one must understand that Men have always stood for family and social values, culture, ethics and also that men have always take responsibility for humanity. Yes, of course its toxic masculinity for feminist.
What feminist trying, “incorrect the correct” while they have chosen to neglect the “correct the incorrect”. Our society has always respected women and our system was also designed in the same way, like we say “Mother India”. All these indicates that, how much we respect women in patriarchy.
The next surprise what-if a boy deny marriage. It is most often seen that bride files criminal cases against groom mainly for dowry demand and harassment. For reference, very recently a bride family kidnapped groom and his father and then made them naked, beaten and humiliated.
Coming back to the matter, if the bride was so mature and capable of taking tough decisions, she could have spoken of her wish before the groom came along with procession to marry her. So now it raises question that, was this of bride was to insult the groom?
Marriage is lifetime decision, so groom and bride both should be given opportunity to choose the right one, but denial of marriage in this way is the misuse of power. But again, does Indian law gives the right to our boys? I say when your son crosses the age of 18, he loses many legal rights mainly against protection from accusation in false case by women. So ultimately it is the bride who holds rights, and boys could be dishonoured by women just in the name of women’s rights.
In my various articles I have said that, “we are living in a society which is made for women“. So from both the surprises, “it is the boy who are the ultimate sufferer not the bride“. Now it is in your hand to decide fate of boys of next generation.
Very true.Sir.